
Monday, November 24, 2014

3rd Grade: Line Sculpture

3rd grade gets to do a project that, in my opinion, facilitates a lot of creativity and helps with those problem solving skills! The line sculpture project! I cut a TON of papers into one-inch strips of paper (12 inches and 18 inches long). I give each student a little cardboard based to glue onto. Students basically have creative freedom, but I do tell students not to have papers going off the sides of the cardboard.

We start by talking about sculptures, how they are meant to be viewed from all sides, not just the front, what they can be made out of, etc. Then students get to start their sculptures. A lot of students think they look like roller coasters! Many times students will ask me how I did something and I tell them that I want for them to figure it out. If they are willing to try, they usually will figure it out! I love watching their minds at work.

The second/last day of the project, I introduce the last element they will add to their sculpture - emphasis! Each student will get ONE strip that has been painted on one side. The other side is up to them to decorate. It is the last piece they will glue to their sculptures and it needs to be somewhere that it will be easily noticed.

Here are some of the examples!

Students hard at work adding their emphasis pieces!

These projects always turn out looking so cool!!

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