
Friday, August 31, 2012

Kindergarten Houses: Using Squares

This lesson is basically just a repeat of the rectangle lesson, only squares are discussed instead. The students point out squares in the room. I find that students think many rectangular things are actually squares. I suppose it is easy to confuse these two shapes as they are very similar. I did not even attempt to explain to my students that squares are rectangles but rectangles are not squares!! We did discuss the difference between squares and rectangles again.

Students make the brown square into a house and have the freedom to make whatever they would like out of the second, purple square. Some made a second house, a garage, a tree-house (my favorite!), and others just glued it down and ignored it. 

For instruction, I mostly just reviewed the same steps as last week, i.e. where to glue, how much glue to use, which paper to put the glue on, etc. Next week we will tackle triangles (and scissors!! Yikes!)

Kindergarten is so diverse! Here are some student examples! You may notice some of the paper is different colors. Both colors are blue, just some of them are more green-y!

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