
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Heart Art Display

Only one class has finished this project thus far. The second 3rd grade class will finish theirs today. I have one class of 3rd grade at my second school, and they will start Thursday and finish Friday. Since one class has finished, I put their beautiful "heart art" up in a display case. I hope they are excited when they walk in and see it!

I told the students I would not display their names (just the class) and to let me know on the back if they wanted their art up or not. I had about four students tell me "no!" which worked out perfectly. The display cases normally will have three-dimensional art, but we have not made any yet!

I suppose there is SOME room still on the bottom, but it's pretty dark! I was really tempted to put the stencils in the display case too, but I didn't. I'm still brainstorming for ideas of what to do with the stencils. I think I have an idea brewing...

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