
Friday, August 17, 2012

First Year Teacher

I've decided that I want to upload my lessons (and reflections) online. Two more classes and I will have finished my first week as an official elementary art teacher. At the age of 22, it seems amazing to me that I have accomplished so much in my life already. I've succeeded in obtaining my career goal! I'm a real art teacher! It's so exciting that I haven't even fully realized the truth of it yet.

This week I started out a bit terrified and lost. Now that I'm at the end of the week, I know all is well. I am well trained. I know what I am doing. I have lessons planned for next week, and more in mind for future weeks. I've found online resources. I have goals. I have lists. So many lists.

Each week, hopefully, I will be posting what I did with my classes. It is also my hope that the posts will be complete with pictures and reflections on what went well, what did not, and what I may change for next time. Being half-time at two schools, I'm sure I will have many different experiences to share.

Right now I do not know if posts will be multiple times a week, every day, or just whenever a project has finished.

Here's to the future! Cheers!

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